My First Blog post and the Unruly Tulips
Ugh....I have spent years avoiding the path of social media, interactive websites and the "joys" that come with all this computer/technical advancements we have made into our businesses and our lives.
Yet, here I am. Blogging. Some (marketing folks) tell me that it is what's needed in our next step for increased exposure. Get your brand out there. Have people find you. YaDa YaDa YaDa....
Truly, I am not sure if you even care what I have to say. Some of you do and you come into the studio to chat with me. Some of you don't. So you quickly pop in, pick up your flowers and off you go. I'm good with either. There are all days where we don't have much to say, probably not me though.
So on this day of my first blog, I share with you the problem I have with tulips. They are unruly buggers, really! Tulips are beautiful, a great sign of spring after some harsh winter storms. Canadian soil grown right in the Niagara region. What is not to love? Well I'll tell you. They never stop growing! Tulips are one of those cut flowers that continue to stretch out long after they have been cut and delivered. Using tulips immediately after receiving them is the ticket. Once they start to warm up though, watch out. They never stay where they are placed. They bend and twist, turn this or that way and God help you if you think they will be the same length tomorrow as they were today. This is why you only ever see a bridal bouquet of them in a magazine. Not to say we haven't used them in bridal bouquets. We have. But we use some natural tricks that we have up our sleeves that sometimes work....fingers crossed each time.
Well, here is my vase arrangement of unruly buggers. I finally gave up and allowed them to be free as they wished. At the end of the day isn't that what we all want. Until next time, N.
ps I will do my best to be grammatically correct but lets face it, I'm no english major!
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Also in The Floral Blog ~ Life, Flowers, Moments, Thoughts

The End of Summer? Really