The End of Summer? Really
I shake my head to think that we are here already, the end of August. It seems like yesterday we were just hitting the fast pace of June and looking forward to those dog days. My how they passed so fast.

Small Town, Big Hearts
Small town living isn't for everyone. Pros and cons come with living it, same as big cities. One thing you don't get too often in the big city though is getting to know your neighbor or community. You might get a snippet, but you don't get to know everything.

Florists and Restaurants - More Similar then Different
The floral industry has been destroyed. Millions of blooms grown and composted with no wholesaler or floral shop to purchase them. Simultaneously, florists and restaurants were the first to be hit with the financial impact of Covid-19.

Someone slap me! How can I be the Mother of two teenagers....
Seriously. There are so many days that I have to remind myself that I am a Mom of two teenage girls. I am sure that I am not the only parent who feels that way. My gosh, I remember diapers and itty bitty shoes, cutting crust off sandwiches and sippy cups.